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News, views and conversation
Neurodiversity and the digital divide: how our neurological differences shape the way we experience the web
17 minute read
“A huge part of communication is listening”
A human-centred future for AI in government
“I’m willing to fight for change"
“Patriarchy doesn't work for anybody”
Practicing responsible and human-centred AI
What are we waiting for?
“I would love for us not to need to exist”
“I want them to know they’re not alone.”
2024 Good Design Awards
“When will we start to value women’s work?”
Academia and design partnering for impact
"Truth, at a fundamental level, is about removing illusions."
It’s fashionable to end homelessness
Reflect reconciliation action plan
How can rapid re-design improve your service?
How do you build resilience?
"Bravery is worth it"
Carbon neutral for four years
Access starts at the dinner table
Business has the power to change systems
2024 Australian Design Awards
This content design method can change the way your brain reads
Designing welcoming spaces
Transforming the mental health sector with the community
Sustainable innovation and (ad)ventures in the public sector
2023 w3 Awards
2023 Good Design Awards
Co-creation in complex settings
Lyanne Morel
Gladys Fraser
Levi Graves
Portraits of change
Robbie Dettman
2023 Melbourne Design Awards
Youth, creativity and co-design
Carbon neutral for three years
Thomas Mayo and the referendum
Patty Kinnersly from Our Watch
Bridi Rice from Development Intelligence Lab
2023 Australian Design Awards
Camilla Buchanan from Policy Lab
2022 Good Design Awards
Our highlights from the International Mental Health Conference
Beyond Inclusion
Daybreak: showcase two
Daybreak: showcase one
Mental health, strategic design and distinguishing between stigma and shame
An inspiring model to tackle youth unemployment and isolation in older people
Disability pride and leading change through co-design
We’re carbon neutral and committed to the future
Community: part five. Safe Spaces
Community: part four. Transforming power structures through co-design
How to design by committee
Community: part three. Journalism and resilience
Best Places to Work 2021
Community: part two. It's all about connection.
Community: part one. Health, social housing and building relationships.
International Women's Day 2021
The future of our neighbourhoods, powered by human-centred data
Growth, nourishment and welcome: a time for positive change
It's our birthday, B Corp Month, and a time to reflect
Koalas, bushfires and drones: wildlife rescue in 2020
Making space for humanity at work
Unnovation: Innovating in times of crisis by doing more with what you have
Sharing stories and exposing truth in data
When someone goes missing, what do you do?
Bringing children's voices to the table
Youth leading change in the LGBTIQ community
Membrane technology and the future of water access
Working together to keep an ancient culture strong
Young love and money: A balancing act
New ways forward in youth mental health
Invention and the health tech revolution
Unlocking Innovation in Government
Social innovation: A collective conscience for change
Sustainable Vision: greener glasses for everyone
Neurodiversity and the digital divide: how our neurological differences shape the way we experience the web
Stepping into the New World of Work: plotting a career path in an uncertain future
Web typography is broken