We work with policymakers, service providers and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to tackle barriers and preserve strength, to help a more equal and unified Australia thrive.

We work on the lands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the first sovereign Nations of Australia, who have nurtured this land for millenia.

We are at a turning point, where treaty negotiations are underway across the country, signifying a pathway to the acknowledgement of sovereignty and the embodiment of First Nations self-determination. There is much more work ahead, with change required in every aspect of our life and society.

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Preserving culture

The knowledge of Traditional Owners is key to shifting our relationship with the environment and tackling climate change. 1 Emerging technology offers a way forward to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities preserve knowledge, language and culture for future generations.

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Reforming service systems

Many of the systems that support our way of life are built on racist ideologies. As a result, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are systematically underserved. Transformative work is taking place in health, welfare, education, justice and many other service systems to better address the needs and strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

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Self-determined solutions

“Martu drive technology, technology doesn’t drive Martu. It can easily become a whitefella way where Martu knowledge is being taken from them again.”
— Zan King, Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa

Design and technology offer unprecedented possibilities to transform, personalise and scale solutions. In the hands of First Nations communities, they become truly powerful.

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Selected Work

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A new brand and website to help build strong Martu communities

Brand and design systems

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A location-based digital storytelling tool to preserve Martu language and culture

Websites and apps

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Addressing barriers for First Nations people in getting Working with Childrens checks

Service design

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Adapting technology to support First Nations thinking, working and relationships

Products and services

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Helping Aboriginal women sell their art to the world

Websites and apps

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Designing early childhood education and care services for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Service design

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