Everyone wants a healthy life, but finding one can be challenging. Let's reimagine the way we care for ourselves, and each other.
Everyone wants a healthy life, but finding one can be challenging. Let's reimagine the way we care for ourselves, and each other.

Co-design in mental health
A Royal Commission, 6 a Senate Select Committee 7 and Human Rights reports 8 have all painted a damning picture of our mental health system, and the way it cares for those of us who are most vulnerable. COVID-19 has extended the strain on a complex system, 9 with not enough services to meet the needs of patients.
In this challenging context, “co-design is emerging as a leading framework to guide the design and implementation of new services.” 10 By bringing people with lived experience together with clinicians and experts, we can reimagine how mental health care is delivered to be more holistic, connected, and give people more agency over their care.

Caring for ourselves and each other
Health and wellbeing isn’t something that happens in hospitals and GPs offices; it’s part of our everyday lives. This includes healthcare, with 2.65 million Australians in unpaid caring roles, 11 a burden carried disproportionately by women.
By growing people’s knowledge and autonomy in health and wellbeing, we can help them care for themselves and each other.

Health tech for humans
COVID-19 has changed the way we use health services, 12 and helped speed up the health tech revolution. With AI, genomics, telemedicine, and wearables, healthcare is becoming more predictive, more personal, and could even become more equal. 13
As we explore the role of technology in improving our health system, we need to ensure that humans are at the heart of the design process, so we launch solutions that are scalable, ethical, and accessible to all.

Selected Work

Reimagining Australia’s most visited online health resource
Websites and apps

Communications to increase the uptake of digital health in regional Queensland
Impact strategy

Co-designing COVID-19 communications with multicultural communities

Designing a brand and environment for lived experience-led urgent mental health care
Brand and design systems

Modernising a crisis support service
Service design

A digital program to combat diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Websites and apps

A more supportive and inclusive online fertility experience
Websites and apps

Exploring the future of health technology in the home

An immersive game to promote social and emotional health in children
Websites and apps

Get in touch
Want to know more? Chat with Dewani about health, wellbeing and care.
Dewani Shebubakar
Head of Strategy, Design and Innovation
Next Case Study
Mental Health and Wellbeing Division:
Modelling a best practice approach to co-design for mental health system reform