Preserving Martu language through storytelling
In partnership with Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa

Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ) is a Martu-led organisation focused on delivering environmental, cultural and social programs as a way to maintain Martu cultural identity.
KJ approached Today to develop a digital platform to preserve Martu languages and culture. Working together, we ensured the process was Martu-led, and used storytelling as a traditional way of passing on knowledge.

We sought permission from Elders before we started, tested the concept on Country, designed the icons directly from illustrations by Martu Elders, and continued to seek Martu feedback on the design and technology throughout the project.

The resulting Stories of Country app is owned by Martu and will grow with them, bringing technology to Country in a way that has never been done before.
In partnership with KJ we hope to expand this tool to more First Nations communities, working to preserve the world’s oldest living cultures.

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